EndoPure Estro (Estrogen Homeopathic)
*Due to the nature of the homeopathic medicine, there is zero possibility of this product causing elevated levels of estrogen—it balances and rejuvenates.
Read the indications on the label to compare your symptoms.
Using EndoPure is most effectve when you use homeopathic principles of treating. If hot flashes, or other hormonal symptoms are acute: Use a formula often, every hour or 15 minutes until the symptoms are relieved. Then continue using the formula as directed on the label or according to the custom five element saliva test program. For chronic conditions use as directed on the label. If hot flashes are chronic, you may use EndoPure often (if symptoms become acute) only until symptoms abate; then continue normal regime according to label or saliva test. Many people report that they get the best results using EndoPure during the entire month. It is fine to use it this way as well.
Endo Pure Estro
1 oz
Cortisol 6C, Adrenal 6C, Pineal 6C, Estrogeninum 6X, Estradiolinum 6X, Estriol 6X, Pituitary 6C, Hypothalamus 6C, Ovarinum 6C, Cheladonium 6C, Sepia 12C, Lilium Tigrinum 12C, Sulfur (mineral) 12C, Sanguinara Candensis 6C, Belladonna 6C, Pulsatilla 12C
Inactive Ingredients: Demineralized Water, 25% Ethanol.